Continuous Learning

Staying in touch on iPhone & iPad

Friday, September 13 | 1:30pm

Clark Room, Carlisle Town Hall

Kevin Figueroa, founder of KevTech Services will focus on using the iPhone and iPad to stay in touch with friends and loved ones. We learn about sending texts in Messages, managing contacts in Phone, and setting up video calls in FaceTime. We also learn to use Siri to make calls and send messages. Please register by Wed., Sept. 11.

Cognitive disorders in older adults and current treatments

Wednesday, September 18 | 11:00am

Clark Room, Carlisle Town Hall

Join us for a talk by Dr. Saeed A. Hashem, MD MSC CPH—Geriatric Psychiatrist at McLean Hospital and Instructor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Hashem will discuss cognitive aging, how it differs from cognitive disorders like dementia, and the importance of proper diagnosis. He’ll also cover how Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed, managed, and the latest treatment options. Don't miss this insightful event on cognitive health and aging.


Please register by Friday, September 13 at or 978-371-2895



Tuesdays, October 1, 8, 22 & 29 I 1:00pm

Four week of classes with instructor Karin Lemmermann, in her private studio. Participants will make hand-made pottery using white clay followed by glazing with colorful glazes. Class includes glazing and firing of work. All materials included Fee: $20 for Carlisle seniors. Space limited. Register by Friday, September 27 at 978-371-2895 or

Sponsored by the Friends of the Carlisle COA

 Register at 978-371-2895 or

Sponsored by the Friends of the Carlisle COA


The windows 10 (and mac) apocalypse 2.0

Wednesday, October 9| 1:00pm

Clark Room, Town Hall

This session is a follow-up to our previous lecture, where we’ll dive deeper into the upcoming changes. Apple is ending support for all pre-2018 Macs in the fall of 2024, and Microsoft will end support for Windows 10 in the fall of 2025. This leaves hundreds of millions of personal computers vulnerable to hackers and miscreants—including, perhaps, yours! In this talk, Bob Supnik will explore the timeline for these events and discuss options for securing your personal computers.

Please register by Monday, Oct. 7 at or 978-371-2895

iPAd Art for Beginners

Wednesday, October 16 | 1:30pm

Clark Room, Carlisle Town Hall

Kevin Figueroa, founder of KevTech Services will cover the basics of creating art in the Procreate app, the most popular app for making art on the iPad. We cover various features in Procreate like colors, brushes, layers, and more. The class includes an activity in which a piece of unique artwork is created. Apple Pencil recommended.

Please register by Friday, Oct. 11 at or 978-371-2895

Medicare open enrollment talk

Thursday, October 24 | 1:00pm

Hollis Room, Gleason Library

Clyde Kessel, COAHS SHINE Counselor, will guide you in evaluating your health plan and answer questions for beneficiaries, families, and caregivers. Minuteman Senior Services also offers a range of services to help seniors and people with disabilities live independently.

Please register by Tuesday, October 22 at or 978-371-2895